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Best players Binkos

Zvolte herní měsíc:
Zvolte tabulku hodnocení:
Order Player score Reached on
1.multiflypoints394005.04.14 am30 07:50
2.janice11270008.04.14 am30 09:34
3.DoDoTom68253007.04.14 pm30 15:38
4.magnosolva246007.04.14 pm30 15:42
5.Flamingo178005.04.14 pm30 15:14
6.Patrik-Muller84005.04.14 am30 08:46
7.Jaroslavek682005.04.14 pm30 15:26
last update 25.4.2024 23:01:18

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
janice11 2700 / Score Highscores 08.04.14 am30 09:34
magnosolva 2360 / Score Highscores 07.04.14 pm30 15:58
magnosolva 2380 / Score Highscores 07.04.14 pm30 15:55
magnosolva 2250 / Score Highscores 07.04.14 pm30 15:53
magnosolva 2260 / Score Highscores 07.04.14 pm30 15:52
magnosolva 2370 / Score Highscores 07.04.14 pm30 15:50
magnosolva 2360 / Score Highscores 07.04.14 pm30 15:49
magnosolva 2430 / Score Highscores 07.04.14 pm30 15:47
magnosolva 2180 / Score Highscores 07.04.14 pm30 15:44
magnosolva 2200 / Score Highscores 07.04.14 pm30 15:43
last update 25.4.2024 23:01:18




What can have an owl, monkey and marbles in common? Your strong nerves when playing all the levels.
Binkos may look as simple game with marbles but it’s very different. Your task is using your marbles to get out the others. The bouncing system is very unpredictable so prepare for some tough moments. The only bonus is in hitting a ship. The game offers five levels with nice graphics and jungle music motive.

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