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Best players Car Parking 2050

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Order Player score Reached on
1.pari114803123.11.13 pm30 15:52
last update 25.4.2024 18:25:18

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Player score Description Reached on
pari11 48031 / Score Car Parking 2050 Highscores 23.11.13 pm30 15:52
pari11 44055 / Score Car Parking 2050 Highscores 23.11.13 pm30 15:47
pari11 23860 / Score Car Parking 2050 Highscores 23.11.13 pm30 15:44
pari11 17804 / Score Car Parking 2050 Highscores 23.11.13 pm30 15:42
pari11 12375 / Score Car Parking 2050 Highscores 23.11.13 pm30 15:41
pari11 5175 / Score Car Parking 2050 Highscores 23.11.13 pm30 15:38
pari11 2629 / Score Car Parking 2050 Highscores 23.11.13 pm30 15:36
Človajs 2168 / Score Car Parking 2050 Highscores 23.09.13 pm30 22:12
Panky69 4145 / Score Car Parking 2050 Highscores 17.01.13 am31 11:03
voky15 52730 / Score Car Parking 2050 Highscores 16.12.12 am31 05:59
last update 25.4.2024 18:25:18


Car Parking 2050

Car Parking 2050

Are you having problems with parking your car in front of your house? Train in it in this game with cars of the future. Nice abreaction where you can stretch your finger and patience.
How will the cars of the year 2050 be? This is hard to say today. But you can have a look into the future here. The tires will be the same. And parking them on tight spots will be problem always. Don’t hope for any graphics orgies or deep story. This is just for fun and some entertainment. Show us your best score.

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