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Best players Cave Run

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Order Player score Reached on
1.Patrik-Muller1108405.04.14 am30 08:09
last update 25.4.2024 11:01:41

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
Patrik-Muller 11084 / Score Highscores 05.04.14 am30 08:09
Patrik-Muller 5983 / Score Highscores 05.04.14 am30 08:07
Patrik-Muller 5656 / Score Highscores 05.04.14 am30 08:06
Patrik-Muller 7521 / Score Highscores 05.04.14 am30 08:04
Patrik-Muller 223 / Score Highscores 05.04.14 am30 08:03
Patrik-Muller 3885 / Score Highscores 05.04.14 am30 08:03
Patrik-Muller 5264 / Score Highscores 05.04.14 am30 07:56
Patrik-Muller 3426 / Score Highscores 05.04.14 am30 07:55
Patrik-Muller 2727 / Score Highscores 05.04.14 am30 07:54
Patrik-Muller 279 / Score Highscores 05.04.14 am30 07:53
last update 25.4.2024 11:01:41


Cave Run

Cave Run

Cave run is a running adventure where points matter. Run through a cave and collect coins. But watch out the obstacles.
This guy reminds Indiana Jones a bit because he goes exploring a cave. How far he can get is upt to you because he needs your help to jump over pitfalls and dangers as stones or volcanoes. The traps may not kill you directly but they will slow you down so you cannot jump over bigger holes.

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