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Best players Doughnut Miner

Zvolte herní měsíc:
Zvolte tabulku hodnocení:
Order Player score Reached on
1.Flamingo1370019.04.14 pm30 21:43
2.magnosolva1230019.04.14 pm30 21:29
last update 19.4.2024 18:16:59

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
Flamingo 13700 / Score Highscores 19.04.14 pm30 21:44
Flamingo 13700 / Score Highscores 19.04.14 pm30 21:43
magnosolva 12300 / Score Highscores 19.04.14 pm30 21:29
magnosolva 12300 / Score Highscores 19.04.14 pm30 21:29
magnosolva 0 / Score Highscores 19.04.14 pm30 21:20
magnosolva 6400 / Score Highscores 15.04.14 pm30 12:18
katruska 9200 / Score Highscores 16.03.14 pm31 17:13
monnika 33500 / Score Highscores 16.03.14 am31 10:02
BigZswagger 26900 / Score Highscores 15.03.14 pm31 22:39
BigZswagger 20200 / Score Highscores 15.03.14 pm31 22:29
last update 19.4.2024 18:16:59


Doughnut Miner

Doughnut Miner

Hunt all the sweet donuts in this game. Timing and precision are important.
There are 8 levels with a time limit where your try getting all the sweet things. You can use a special hook swinging from side to side. To get what you want and so points you have to time your moves well and react in time.

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Doughnut Miner Doughnut Miner

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