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1.DoDoTom68684120.02.14 pm28 16:41
last update 25.4.2024 19:17:11

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Player score Description Reached on
DoDoTom68 6841 / Score Eye of the Storm 20.02.14 pm28 16:41
DoDoTom68 4569 / Score Eye of the Storm 20.02.14 pm28 16:38
DoDoTom68 4838 / Score Eye of the Storm 20.02.14 pm28 16:37
DoDoTom68 5345 / Score Eye of the Storm 20.02.14 pm28 16:35
DoDoTom68 3643 / Score Eye of the Storm 20.02.14 pm28 16:33
sevilla 3946 / Score Eye of the Storm 29.12.13 pm31 18:52
sevilla 1708 / Score Eye of the Storm 29.12.13 pm31 18:49
GOTorroGO 4688 / Score Eye of the Storm 28.11.13 pm30 19:17
GOTorroGO 3971 / Score Eye of the Storm 28.11.13 pm30 19:13
GOTorroGO 1449 / Score Eye of the Storm 28.11.13 pm30 19:02
last update 25.4.2024 19:17:11


Eye of the Storm

Eye of the Storm

A storm is coming and your small bear is stranded on a small island with water all around. In this game, this bear cannot swim so it's up to you to keep him on the dry land. The main enemy is the wind which changes the direction and changes it faster in every new level. It brings many objects that can temporary stun you. The game is good with well made music but the content is stereotypical.

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Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm

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