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Best players Fat Head

Zvolte herní měsíc:
Zvolte tabulku hodnocení:
Order Player score Reached on
1.katruska14522.03.14 pm31 15:49
2.phanka8026.03.14 pm31 21:32
last update 20.4.2024 04:40:55

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
phanka 80 / Weight World's Fatest 26.03.14 pm31 21:38
phanka 80 / Weight World's Fatest 26.03.14 pm31 21:32
phanka 60 / Weight World's Fatest 26.03.14 pm31 21:31
phanka 30 / Weight World's Fatest 26.03.14 pm31 21:31
phanka 60 / Weight World's Fatest 26.03.14 pm31 21:29
katruska 145 / Weight World's Fatest 22.03.14 pm31 15:49
katruska 105 / Weight World's Fatest 22.03.14 pm31 15:45
HAL 130 / Weight World's Fatest 21.02.14 pm28 22:53
HAL 60 / Weight World's Fatest 21.02.14 pm28 22:52
HAL 10 / Weight World's Fatest 21.02.14 pm28 22:52
last update 20.4.2024 04:40:55


Fat Head

Fat Head

Today’s HighScore game isn’t about healthy food at all. Try to catch all the fat and sugar filled delicious things.
The gain is to get as many kilos possible, they represent points. Roll on the sides and catch all the unhealthy pieces without touching any black object, it looks like packed vegetable. Use bonuses around, they help a lot. Fat Head is really quick and a bit ugly looking game, but it’s fun.

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