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Best players Gem Snatcher

Zvolte herní měsíc:
Zvolte tabulku hodnocení:
Order Player score Reached on
1.magnosolva2119.04.14 pm30 16:07
2.jurcatko719.04.14 pm30 13:03
last update 16.4.2024 19:34:01

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
magnosolva 21 / Score Highscores 19.04.14 pm30 16:07
jurcatko 7 / Score Highscores 19.04.14 pm30 13:03
DoDoTom68 24 / Score Highscores 29.03.14 pm31 15:32
DoDoTom68 10 / Score Highscores 29.03.14 pm31 15:30
DoDoTom68 21 / Score Highscores 29.03.14 pm31 15:30
DoDoTom68 22 / Score Highscores 29.03.14 pm31 15:28
DoDoTom68 19 / Score Highscores 29.03.14 pm31 15:27
DoDoTom68 22 / Score Highscores 29.03.14 pm31 15:26
DoDoTom68 13 / Score Highscores 29.03.14 pm31 15:24
DoDoTom68 20 / Score Highscores 29.03.14 pm31 15:24
last update 16.4.2024 19:34:01


Gem Snatcher

Gem Snatcher

Simple game with a simple principle. You control a red wheel and this wheel or ball must collect diamonds. You have to get them as many as possible. The problem is that after some time another red balls appear and those move as you move. So you have to be careful not to hit any or you lose one of the lives. The game is full with bonuses too.

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Gem Snatcher Gem Snatcher

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