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Best players Ghost Flight

Zvolte herní měsíc:
Zvolte tabulku hodnocení:
Order Player score Reached on
1.DoDoTom6898129.03.14 pm31 12:08
2.maja.4014106.01.14 pm31 19:08
last update 25.4.2024 21:08:19

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
DoDoTom68 971 / Distance Distance 29.03.14 pm31 12:15
DoDoTom68 141 / Distance Distance 29.03.14 pm31 12:14
DoDoTom68 971 / Distance Distance 29.03.14 pm31 12:14
DoDoTom68 981 / Distance Distance 29.03.14 pm31 12:13
DoDoTom68 821 / Distance Distance 29.03.14 pm31 12:12
DoDoTom68 971 / Distance Distance 29.03.14 pm31 12:11
DoDoTom68 971 / Distance Distance 29.03.14 pm31 12:10
DoDoTom68 141 / Distance Distance 29.03.14 pm31 12:09
DoDoTom68 701 / Distance Distance 29.03.14 pm31 12:09
DoDoTom68 981 / Distance Distance 29.03.14 pm31 12:08
last update 25.4.2024 21:08:19


Ghost Flight

Ghost Flight

Fly through path of light and get to the end of the tunnel. Ghosts, curves and other things are in your way.
Your task is this classic game is to get as far as possible. You are ghost trying to reach the world of dead. The black ghost around try stopping you calling your name which makes the game a bit confusing but making it interesting. The control is simple you just need one button.

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Ghost Flight Ghost Flight

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