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Indiana Jones Zombie Terror

Indiana Jones Zombie Terror

This time the courageous archaeologist Dr. Jones got into precarious position. In hunt for another rare valuables he found himself face to face with the undead. Alone in the dark he must confront not only their malicious attacks, but also many other obstacles such as spikes on the gap, and movable bridges. Fortunately, Indiana held firmly in hands his whip, which pulls him from every trouble. However, you must have your eyes open and watch even around the corner because not everything is as it seems. Zombies can hide in places where there is nobody expecting and at a suitable opportunities pop up on the Indiana. Archaeologist abounds three lives, but after a while groping in dimly lit dungeons you might begin not having sufficient supply of them. Undead do not set a single setback, larger problems can cause ingenious puzzles waiting to unravel.

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Indiana Jones Zombie Terror Indiana Jones Zombie Terror

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