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Best players Jump Up 2

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Order Player score Reached on
1.DoDoTom688429.03.14 pm31 14:57
last update 24.4.2024 03:40:48

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
DoDoTom68 84 / Score HighScore 29.03.14 pm31 14:57
sevilla 12 / Score HighScore 19.01.14 pm31 22:03
janice11 10 / Score HighScore 19.11.13 am30 11:55
janice11 4 / Score HighScore 19.11.13 am30 11:52
daviddd 36 / Score HighScore 19.11.13 am30 11:00
Človajs 66 / Score HighScore 18.10.13 pm31 18:40
Človajs 5 / Score HighScore 18.10.13 pm31 18:19
mlendci 3 / Score HighScore 16.10.13 pm31 17:19
kenken 79 / Score HighScore 08.08.13 pm31 14:39
suzinnka 54 / Score HighScore 23.05.13 pm31 15:44
last update 24.4.2024 03:40:48


Jump Up 2

Jump Up 2

Sometimes, an original control system is an advantage but sometimes, it takes time to get used to it. The second statement describes today's game called Jump up 2. Use your mouse for moving the guy. When you get closer to him hi runs faster or slows down. The next phase is the jump to get him to the flag as closes as possible. Speed, direction and timing the key point and combine all three things together can be tricky task.

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