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Zvolte herní měsíc:
Zvolte tabulku hodnocení:
Order Player score Reached on
1.milltie68825.04.14 pm30 21:44
2.magnosolva65421.04.14 pm30 20:47
3.pari1128518.04.14 pm30 13:36
4.phanka10418.04.14 pm30 20:07
last update 23.4.2024 16:30:20

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
milltie 688 / Score Highscores 25.04.14 pm30 21:44
magnosolva 654 / Score Highscores 21.04.14 pm30 20:47
magnosolva 383 / Score Highscores 21.04.14 pm30 20:31
milltie 420 / Score Highscores 21.04.14 pm30 19:37
phanka 104 / Score Highscores 18.04.14 pm30 20:07
pari11 285 / Score Highscores 18.04.14 pm30 13:36
magnosolva 383 / Score Highscores 16.04.14 am30 11:35
magnosolva 383 / Score Highscores 16.04.14 am30 11:35
magnosolva 169 / Score Highscores 16.04.14 am30 11:27
magnosolva 169 / Score Highscores 15.04.14 pm30 20:00
last update 23.4.2024 16:30:20


Next Avoider 2

Next Avoider 2

Move with a blue balloon and collect green points and avoid the red ones.
You control a blue ball or balloon and your task is to move it so you collect green points. As you progress some red enemies will appear and you mustn’t touch them at all. Any touch and the game is over.

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