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Best players Prison Escape (High Score)

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Order Player score Reached on
1.Flamingo1209319.04.14 pm30 20:35
last update 19.4.2024 19:01:27

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
Flamingo 12093 / Score High Scores 19.04.14 pm30 20:36
Flamingo 12093 / Score High Scores 19.04.14 pm30 20:35
HAL 34628 / Score High Scores 28.03.14 pm31 13:06
DoDoTom68 37881 / Score High Scores 27.03.14 pm31 13:42
DoDoTom68 37881 / Score High Scores 27.03.14 pm31 13:42
HAL 33420 / Score High Scores 27.03.14 am31 11:53
HAL 3105 / Score High Scores 26.03.14 pm31 12:16
phanka 10057 / Score High Scores 23.03.14 pm31 16:47
Poradatel 40083 / Score High Scores 23.03.14 am31 10:35
maja.40 23862 / Score High Scores 17.03.14 pm31 23:04
last update 19.4.2024 19:01:27


Prison Escape (High Score)

Prison Escape (High Score)

It’s time to escape from yet another prison but this time it must be fast. Find the key and the way out.
One prisoner has decided that he doesn’t like the food anymore and it is time to move on. 30 levels lie ahead and you have to jump and avoid obstacles. Each hit costs you a live and time. The points matter so you get more points if you have more time.

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Prison Escape (High Score) Prison Escape (High Score)

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