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Best players Rocket Pop

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Zvolte tabulku hodnocení:
Order Player score Reached on
1.DoDoTom68144240014.04.14 pm30 19:01
2.Patrik-Muller2695014.04.14 pm30 19:04
last update 16.4.2024 07:36:29

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
DoDoTom68 984500 / Score High Score 24.04.14 pm30 18:22
Patrik-Muller 26950 / Score High Score 14.04.14 pm30 19:04
DoDoTom68 1442400 / Score High Score 14.04.14 pm30 19:01
kuba75 1792900 / Score High Score 24.12.13 pm31 19:30
kuba75 80850 / Score High Score 24.12.13 pm31 19:03
kuba75 395050 / Score High Score 24.12.13 pm31 19:00
kuba75 5650 / Score High Score 24.12.13 pm31 18:24
janice11 20900 / Score High Score 07.12.13 am31 09:30
daviddd 7650 / Score High Score 20.11.13 am30 10:36
daviddd 7250 / Score High Score 20.11.13 am30 10:33
last update 16.4.2024 07:36:29


Rocket Pop

Rocket Pop

50 levels, one crazy rocket and Pinball style. This and more await you in this crazy arcade game where you collect points and aim for certain places. It’s catchy and quite hard.
The first thing you have on your mind when playing the game is Pinball. And that’s almost right. You shoot a rocket which can be aimed and speed up to make it bounce from several thing and collect points. When you have enough of these a wormhole appears and you must get there as well. The problem is in unpredictable bounces and luck is needed as well.

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