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Best players Blocks Avalance Conquest

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Order Player score Reached on
1.milenab7930.01.14 pm31 23:13
last update 25.4.2024 23:50:34

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Player score Description Reached on
milenab 79 / Score Blocks Avalanche conquest 30.01.14 pm31 23:13
HAL 7734 / Score Blocks Avalanche conquest 25.12.13 pm31 13:48
Jaroslavek6 4395 / Score Blocks Avalanche conquest 09.12.13 pm31 14:13
Jaroslavek6 80 / Score Blocks Avalanche conquest 09.12.13 pm31 14:05
GOTorroGO 6044 / Score Blocks Avalanche conquest 07.12.13 am31 08:40
SlimJoe 3311 / Score Blocks Avalanche conquest 05.12.13 pm31 18:19
daviddd 246 / Score Blocks Avalanche conquest 23.11.13 pm30 16:36
pari11 11022 / Score Blocks Avalanche conquest 20.11.13 pm30 16:56
monika371 4678 / Score Blocks Avalanche conquest 18.11.13 am30 01:39
pari11 11338 / Score Blocks Avalanche conquest 15.11.13 pm30 22:49
last update 25.4.2024 23:50:34


Blocks Avalance Conquest

Blocks Avalance Conquest

Do you know Tetris? And do you know match-3 style? Then you will have no problem playing in Blocks Avalance Conquest where we play to gain points for our league.
The game sends you block of different colors and you have to place them so they create three of the same kind in lines. They then disappear and you gain points. The game goes faster and faster pushing you to your limits but it’s still great fun with fine gameplay.

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Blocks Avalance Conquest Blocks Avalance Conquest Blocks Avalance Conquest

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