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Bobby, aboard!

Bobby, aboard!

Bobby is lost in the space and you have to get him out. Can you get him on the space shuttle? Gravity and physical riddles are here.
To get alien Bobby on board you have get him over and through logical and puzzle problems. Platforms, boxes, stones and more stuff block his journey. There is one skill you can use, he can stick on one play and swing somewhere else. As you progress into the next levels there are more obstacles and higher difficulty.

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Are you human? Write result of 4 + 5 =

Leopoldo Padberg | 30.07.22 am31 07:10

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Runolfsdottir | 30.07.22 am31 07:06

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Bobby Denesik | 30.07.22 am31 07:05

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Wolff | 30.07.22 am31 07:02

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Collins | 30.07.22 am31 05:28

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Bobby, aboard! Bobby, aboard! Bobby, aboard!

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