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Best players Connect Monsters

Zvolte herní měsíc:
Zvolte tabulku hodnocení:
Order Player score Reached on
1.magnosolva787118.04.14 pm30 18:41
2.jurcatko488724.04.14 pm30 13:23
3.milltie285416.04.14 pm30 20:00
4.milenab151118.04.14 am30 06:13
last update 16.4.2024 22:41:49

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
jurcatko 4887 / score Highscores 24.04.14 pm30 13:23
jurcatko 1609 / score Highscores 24.04.14 pm30 13:19
jurcatko 4040 / score Highscores 20.04.14 pm30 23:24
magnosolva 7871 / score Highscores 18.04.14 pm30 18:41
jurcatko 1273 / score Highscores 18.04.14 pm30 17:42
milenab 1511 / score Highscores 18.04.14 am30 06:13
magnosolva 3384 / score Highscores 17.04.14 pm30 19:19
magnosolva 2369 / score Highscores 17.04.14 pm30 19:16
milltie 2854 / score Highscores 16.04.14 pm30 20:00
milltie 2327 / score Highscores 16.04.14 pm30 19:57
last update 16.4.2024 22:41:49


Connect Monsters

Connect Monsters

Let’s play a simple and fast HighScore game today. You don’t need to spend too much time with it. Just connect monsters on a field filled with hexagons.
The principle is simple. Just find and connect two or more same looking monster and get points. The problem is that you can drag the line only through the same monsters or free hexagons. Simple, short and entertaining. However, turn of the music, it’s really annoying.

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Connect Monsters Connect Monsters Connect Monsters

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