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Hungry Sumo

Hungry Sumo

The Sumo martial art can be perceived as a synonym for someone of big weight and an avid eater. Meet pink sumo warriors, whose task is to defeat other colored sumo warriors. Each holds in hands chopsticks and a bowl of rice. If you point at them, each warrior starts to stuff food inside and grows. If they touch other colored warrior, they shrink and so does na opponent. You must control this. Each level is harder and warriors multiply. The game board is always the same, so it gets crowded.

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Parker | 12.11.22 am30 08:13

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Audra Ebert | 12.11.22 am30 07:43

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Boyer | 12.11.22 am30 07:41

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Sheila Carroll | 12.11.22 am30 07:31

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Rodriguez | 12.11.22 am30 07:29

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Hungry Sumo Hungry Sumo

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