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Best players Mahjong Card Solitaire

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Order Player score Reached on
1.ruza19511900001.04.14 am30 10:08
last update 25.4.2024 15:28:09

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
ruza1951 19000 / Score Highscores 01.04.14 am30 10:08
Miki7 122666 / Score Highscores 26.03.14 pm31 17:22
Miki7 12500 / Score Highscores 26.03.14 pm31 17:17
Miki7 9500 / Score Highscores 26.03.14 pm31 17:15
Marta61 197666 / Score Highscores 22.03.14 pm31 20:47
Veininka 286997 / Score Highscores 19.03.14 pm31 17:49
BB 10000 / Score Highscores 17.03.14 pm31 21:36
BB 261165 / Score Highscores 16.03.14 am31 09:54
BB 11000 / Score Highscores 16.03.14 am31 09:49
BB 73333 / Score Highscores 16.03.14 am31 09:47
last update 25.4.2024 15:28:09


Mahjong Card Solitaire

Mahjong Card Solitaire

Cards in the style of Solitaire and Mahong together? Even this combination can work. Search for pairs and get through the piles of cards.
The goal of the game is searching same cards and click them out as in Mahjong. Some are hidden under so think twice how you approach the problem. When there are no pairs the game ends. The whole thing is really unpredictable but still fun. For more points play faster.

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Mahjong Card Solitaire Mahjong Card Solitaire Mahjong Card Solitaire

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