rate this game: rated: 3

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Best players Olympic Pairs

Zvolte herní měsíc:
Zvolte tabulku hodnocení:
Order Player score Reached on
1.Blanka-Blani1518.04.14 am30 09:50
last update 19.4.2024 02:07:25

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
Blanka-Blani 15 / Score Leaderboard 18.04.14 am30 09:50
Blanka-Blani 24 / Score Leaderboard 18.04.14 am30 09:49
phanka 21 / Score Leaderboard 16.03.14 pm31 21:39
phanka 20 / Score Leaderboard 16.03.14 pm31 21:38
phanka 17 / Score Leaderboard 16.03.14 pm31 21:37
diviška5 13 / Score Leaderboard 23.02.14 pm28 23:56
diviška5 14 / Score Leaderboard 23.02.14 pm28 23:56
DoDoTom68 16 / Score Leaderboard 20.02.14 am28 11:28
DoDoTom68 20 / Score Leaderboard 20.02.14 am28 11:28
ford16 20 / Score Leaderboard 20.02.14 am28 01:55
last update 19.4.2024 02:07:25


Olympic Pairs

Olympic Pairs

One good old Pexeso with some sport equipment.
Today, you are going to practice your memory. We bring you classic Pexeso with 16 fields with Olympic theme. Your task is to find all the pairs with the smallest number of moves. Those who have less tries win and get into our best players list.

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Olympic Pairs Olympic Pairs

our database contains: 26 944 games

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