rate this game: rated: 2

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Best players Parts of Picture: Porsche

Zvolte herní měsíc:
Zvolte tabulku hodnocení:
Order Player score Reached on
1.pari11124022.03.14 pm31 15:38
2.HAL120406.03.14 pm31 22:59
3.katruska116224.03.14 am31 11:31
4.Blanka-Kuchařová115010.03.14 pm31 14:11
5.phanka107816.03.14 pm31 13:52
6.Veininka107022.03.14 pm31 17:23
7.milenab104609.03.14 pm31 22:26
8.mlendci57605.03.14 pm31 18:59
last update 19.4.2024 03:55:26

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
katruska 1162 / Score Parts of Picture:Porsche 24.03.14 am31 11:31
katruska 1100 / Score Parts of Picture:Porsche 24.03.14 am31 11:30
Veininka 1070 / Score Parts of Picture:Porsche 22.03.14 pm31 17:23
pari11 1240 / Score Parts of Picture:Porsche 22.03.14 pm31 15:38
pari11 1182 / Score Parts of Picture:Porsche 22.03.14 pm31 15:37
katruska 1028 / Score Parts of Picture:Porsche 22.03.14 pm31 14:25
pari11 1194 / Score Parts of Picture:Porsche 21.03.14 pm31 21:31
pari11 1142 / Score Parts of Picture:Porsche 21.03.14 pm31 21:29
Veininka 1052 / Score Parts of Picture:Porsche 18.03.14 pm31 20:44
Veininka 1002 / Score Parts of Picture:Porsche 18.03.14 pm31 20:38
last update 19.4.2024 03:55:26


Parts of Picture: Porsche

Parts of Picture: Porsche

Find all the parts, quickly and without mistakes. Only soyou can get points.
You are always shown series of pictures with cars and they are missing some pieces. Your job is to find the right ones and return them back. For each right piece you get points and the faster you do it the more points you get.

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Parts of Picture: Porsche Parts of Picture: Porsche

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