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Best players SmileyTrap2

Zvolte herní měsíc:
Zvolte tabulku hodnocení:
Order Player score Reached on
1.Patrik-Muller52719.04.14 am30 11:52
2.Barca-Vulcova42819.04.14 pm30 12:18
3.jurcatko29021.04.14 am30 08:09
4.janice1124807.04.14 am30 11:57
last update 20.4.2024 00:40:51

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
jurcatko 290 / Score Highscores 21.04.14 am30 08:09
jurcatko 121 / Score Highscores 21.04.14 am30 07:58
Barca-Vulcova 428 / Score Highscores 19.04.14 pm30 12:18
Patrik-Muller 527 / Score Highscores 19.04.14 am30 11:52
Patrik-Muller 471 / Score Highscores 19.04.14 am30 11:44
Barca-Vulcova 300 / Score Highscores 19.04.14 am30 11:43
Patrik-Muller 363 / Score Highscores 19.04.14 am30 11:37
Patrik-Muller 307 / Score Highscores 19.04.14 am30 11:28
Patrik-Muller 152 / Score Highscores 19.04.14 am30 11:24
jurcatko 129 / Score Highscores 19.04.14 am30 11:22
last update 20.4.2024 00:40:51




Everywhere smiling smiles float full of colors. Our gal is to catch as many as possible by using item that looks line a net. We should catch only smiles of the same color, so when we decide for yellow we must no touch any of the green smiles or we loose some of our life. The game contain several levels and to get into higher levels we have to gain some needed amount of points. Smiley Trap2 has a nice graphic with happy music.

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