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Best players Waterball

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Order Player score Reached on
1.DoDoTom68490024.04.14 pm30 13:37
2.milenab10019.04.14 am30 06:39
last update 23.4.2024 20:49:37

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
DoDoTom68 4900 / Score Highscores 24.04.14 pm30 13:37
milenab 100 / Score Highscores 19.04.14 am30 06:39
magnosolva 160000 / Score Highscores 18.01.14 pm31 14:32
GOTorroGO 160000 / Score Highscores 13.12.13 am31 02:37
GOTorroGO 160000 / Score Highscores 13.12.13 am31 02:36
GOTorroGO 115600 / Score Highscores 13.12.13 am31 02:33
GOTorroGO 78400 / Score Highscores 13.12.13 am31 02:30
GOTorroGO 28900 / Score Highscores 13.12.13 am31 02:25
GOTorroGO 8100 / Score Highscores 13.12.13 am31 02:22
Veininka 22500 / Score Highscores 12.09.13 pm30 20:43
last update 23.4.2024 20:49:37




What to do with a ball for footballs when you have no other player? This problem is solved in Waterball. What you just need are few cones, stars, exit and damned whirlpools. Your task is to click on the arrows next to ball and so move with it. You can stop only when you get to a cone or by getting through a whirlpool. Yes, the main goal is to get into the exit and the stars are only for bonus. The problem with this game is the whirlpools because you don't know where they go.

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