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Best players 3D Deathrace

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Order Player score Reached on
1.HAL4248704.04.14 am30 09:13
last update 23.4.2024 14:11:01

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Player score Description Reached on
HAL 42487 / Score Highscores 04.04.14 am30 09:13
HAL 34012 / Score Highscores 04.04.14 am30 09:11
TygrBart 67808 / Score Highscores 08.03.14 pm31 13:01
TygrBart 31257 / Score Highscores 08.03.14 pm31 12:54
TygrBart 19810 / Score Highscores 08.03.14 pm31 12:53
DoDoTom68 76012 / Score Highscores 05.02.14 pm28 12:00
ford16 281312 / Score Highscores 10.01.14 pm31 21:57
DoDoTom68 101965 / Score Highscores 05.01.14 pm31 14:08
ford16 257044 / Score Highscores 03.01.14 pm31 16:33
Jaroslavek6 154813 / Score Highscores 01.01.14 pm31 17:55
last update 23.4.2024 14:11:01


 3D Deathrace

3D Deathrace

Jump on a bike, turn on the lights and the right through darkness can begin.
The principle of the game is getting through dark woods, avoiding obstacles and riding as far as possible. The faster you go the more points you get. When riding you can collect bonuses as gas, slowing down, repairing your bike and money. The authors took some inspiration from Deathchase from 1983

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