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Best players Power Pool

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Order Player score Reached on
1.charlie110250025.04.14 pm30 13:08
last update 19.4.2024 05:50:07

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
charlie1 102500 / Score Powerpool Highscores 25.04.14 pm30 13:08
BB 16900 / Score Powerpool Highscores 15.03.14 pm31 21:22
phanka 35600 / Score Powerpool Highscores 10.03.14 pm31 23:31
phanka 32900 / Score Powerpool Highscores 10.03.14 pm31 23:19
phanka 11700 / Score Powerpool Highscores 10.03.14 pm31 23:07
Flamingo 19850 / Score Powerpool Highscores 10.03.14 pm31 23:01
DoDoTom68 14900 / Score Powerpool Highscores 06.03.14 am31 11:41
DoDoTom68 14650 / Score Powerpool Highscores 06.03.14 am31 11:37
DoDoTom68 14450 / Score Powerpool Highscores 06.03.14 am31 11:34
multiflypoints 95300 / Score Powerpool Highscores 05.03.14 pm31 22:09
last update 19.4.2024 05:50:07


Power Pool

Power Pool

After long time we have really perfect game for the billiard lovers. This classic game isn't normal here and you can be surprised by many things. The goal is to get all the balls into the holes, that's typical. But the balls aren't ordinary at all. For example one type splits into three smaller balls when you hit it. Some are about creating obstacles or they turn smaller. The white ball can be hit when it's still moving.

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