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Best players World Cup League

Zvolte herní měsíc:
Zvolte tabulku hodnocení:
Order Player score Reached on
1.DoDoTom68789705.04.14 pm30 17:53
2.Patrik-Muller779705.04.14 am30 08:42
3.Flamingo708903.04.14 pm30 15:20
4.Barca-Vulcova698301.04.14 pm30 12:24
5.Drag69698220.04.14 pm30 22:32
6.multiflypoints697901.04.14 am30 07:47
last update 24.4.2024 04:20:05

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
Drag69 6982 / Score World Cup League 20.04.14 pm30 22:32
DoDoTom68 7897 / Score World Cup League 05.04.14 pm30 17:53
DoDoTom68 7691 / Score World Cup League 05.04.14 pm30 16:01
Patrik-Muller 7797 / Score World Cup League 05.04.14 am30 08:42
Flamingo 7089 / Score World Cup League 03.04.14 pm30 15:20
Barca-Vulcova 6983 / Score World Cup League 01.04.14 pm30 12:24
DoDoTom68 7493 / Score World Cup League 01.04.14 am30 11:24
DoDoTom68 7389 / Score World Cup League 01.04.14 am30 10:39
DoDoTom68 7383 / Score World Cup League 01.04.14 am30 08:53
DoDoTom68 7186 / Score World Cup League 01.04.14 am30 08:46
last update 24.4.2024 04:20:05


World Cup League

World Cup League

How well can you deal with free kicks in this football game?
At first choose one of the national teams and then go playing league. Every match puts you on the side that is already behind and you have to score, it’s up to you and your speed. There is always different wall of players and you have to choose the direction and power of the kick.

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World Cup League World Cup League World Cup League

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