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Best players HQ Guardians

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Order Player score Reached on
1.DoDoTom68614914.04.14 am30 11:37
last update 18.4.2024 10:18:01

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Player score Description Reached on
DoDoTom68 6149 / Score Survival Score 14.04.14 am30 11:37
Jaroslavek6 17201 / Score Survival Score 03.01.14 pm31 20:01
Jaroslavek6 2547 / Score Survival Score 17.11.13 pm30 15:51
Bafusa 47 / Score Survival Score 15.02.13 pm28 15:29
HollyKiller 2556 / Score Survival Score 04.02.13 pm28 12:16
voky15 70 / Score Survival Score 30.12.12 pm31 17:40
mack 1122 / Score Survival Score 11.12.12 pm31 20:54
triock1 673 / Score Survival Score 31.10.12 pm31 21:55
UnHynek 38091 / Score Survival Score 27.09.12 pm30 13:06
last update 18.4.2024 10:18:01


HQ Guardians

HQ Guardians

The army conflict comes again and you have to defend several parts of the map. Use only few units and hope for the best.
Really tough task, the enemies are coming and you can make only few units so use the well. There is a campaign with several maps or survival game where you get some good start money but you have to last as long as possible. What I really liked is the direct control of the units, if you want, especially the helicopters with their reach. Oh, and the game is about points as well.

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