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Wheel of Misfortune

Wheel of Misfortune

This game is meant to be looked at with some insight, however it will keep you for long time. You will crave what lies in next level. The principle is very simple. On a wheel of death is tied a secretary, your assistant, former president of the USA and many others. Your goal is to hit by knife the wheel, while keeping the person intact. For example you must hit the bags placed around persons head. Sometimes there are two kinds of objects and you must take care to hit only the proper one. After each level you get a mark. If you get F, you must do the level again.

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Stanton Maggio | 05.08.22 am31 06:20

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Brakus | 05.08.22 am31 06:16

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Krystina Runolfsdottir | 05.08.22 am31 05:57

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Smitham | 05.08.22 am31 05:53

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Wheel of Misfortune Wheel of Misfortune

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