
Zombie Murder

Zombie Murder

Darkness, just a bit of light around the main character and a lot of bloodthirsty monsters, which want to get at him from all sides. Will you destroy them all and get to the next level? And what gun is your favorite? Enjoy fantastic effects, stylish music and lots of adrenaline.

The main character is a very powerful robot that can make great efforts to make his way through the undead. We march with him using the keys A, S, D and W and shoot with the left mouse button. Just do not stay in one place. Move as possible. Pick up bonuses in the form of various missiles. You can expect the flame, amazing lightning, plasma, or even rockets. Not only you have an advantage, zombies also have a variety of calibers. And you will encounter ferocious beast with a chainsaw, giant zombies, which are so strong that you often must rely on the bonus, and finally thousands of tiny corpses, which are especially strong thanks to hive mind and abundant numbers. Watch health on the right of the screen. Red column should not drop to zero. Otherwise, game reports Game Over. But even if that happens, no problem. You can even repeat the level or start from scratch. Each level is bounded by the constraints, where the main character can not enter, but the zombies are coming from there. Do not be fooled by bonuses that appear as out of bounds. You will be entertained by a lot of weapons, effects, music and the gloomy environment.

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