
Donald Dowell and the Ghost of Barker Manor

Donald Dowell and the Ghost of Barker Manor

What problems are waiting for Donald in his new job? After working at post Donald is 80 and wants to try busting ghosts.
Retirement is boring so our hero is looking for a new place. But he is too old, young or slow, the game begins in the moment where he find ghost buster place.
Exploring locations, collecting items and having some chats you play this adventure game. Of course there is enough humor and riddles which must be solved if you want to continue. You have to use certain item and use it or speak with someone.

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Are you human? Write result of 3 + 4 =


Donald Dowell and the Ghost of Barker Manor Donald Dowell and the Ghost of Barker Manor Donald Dowell and the Ghost of Barker Manor Donald Dowell and the Ghost of Barker Manor Donald Dowell and the Ghost of Barker Manor Donald Dowell and the Ghost of Barker Manor

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