
Arcanoid GameYard

Arcanoid GameYard

Once again we bring you another game from invincible army of Arkanoid clons. However, this one comes with neat trick, which some of my like and others despise. Because it is infinite. Yes, you hear correct. No levels. When you destroy a row, there spawns another. It is like perpetum mobile. Once again, some of my like this and others do not. Your choice.
As you probably already know, Arkanoid is a cult in its own right, however it is a remake of another legend Breakout, made by Atari, when some of you were still in another dimension, if you catch my drift. In almost thirty years to follow there have been made literally hundreds of remakes. Arcanoid GameYard is another one. Sometimes it looks like beginning programmers in game industry use it as an exercise in game design. Mechanics are identical to other arkanoids. Hit a moving ball with movable platform and destroy bricks appearing above, then hopefully get some bonus, or upgrade. As mentioned, there are no levels, so it is never-ending story. Some may like it...alright , never-mind. And no bonus and upgrades. After demanding day at work, or school, it may help to relax, however do not expect something sophisticated.

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