
Casse-briques 2003

Casse-briques 2003

Casse-briques 2003 is simple but very fun remake of the classic Arkanoid or Breakout game. The player task is to control a platform and using a ball destroy all the bricks. Move to left and right and don't let the ball to fall behind the platform. When you hit any brick it disappears and cleaning the level means moving into the next level. This game doesn't belong among the extra bombastic games. It's quite simply made and doesn't bring any surprise. You can meet some technical bugs too, for example the game freezes. The movement of the ball isn't the best and it flies where you wouldn't guess it will.

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Casse-briques 2003 Casse-briques 2003 Casse-briques 2003 Casse-briques 2003

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