
It Belongs in an Ancient Ruin

It Belongs in an Ancient Ruin

Indiana Jones in action? It looks so because the artefacts, enemies and solutions of the dangerous situation where one mistake means death are ordinary in this museum. When I say museum you imagine many ancient and precious things you shouldn't touch. In this game you control a guy who must transport one of the precious objects from place A to place B. Because you are in the museum and this activity isn't too popular there many unpleasant things are connected with it. You mustn't be seen, the light is taboo and you have to hide when a guard approaches. When the alarm blows, you have to escape and this part is really hard. The game is without frustrations, quick and rapid with many entertaining obstacles where you can use your whip.

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It Belongs in an Ancient Ruin It Belongs in an Ancient Ruin It Belongs in an Ancient Ruin It Belongs in an Ancient Ruin It Belongs in an Ancient Ruin

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