
Paper Wars

Paper Wars

Interesting combination of oldie Scorch and modern real-time tank battle. Does not say much to you? Paper Wars is battle arcade, where you control a tank. Camera is positioned from a side. Between you and enemy is destroyable land terrain. Be careful and do not get stuck. There are numerous enemies with different behavior. You have variety of weapons at your disposal. Classic cannon and special cluster bombs and so on. Explore yourself. At high levels it is better. Controls and visuals are quite good. Do not expect miracle, but solid game-play.
Interesting combination of oldie Scorch and modern real-time tank battle. Does not say much to you? Paper Wars is battle arcade, where you control a tank. Camera is positioned from a side. Between you and enemy is destroyable land terrain. Be careful and do not get stuck. There are numerous enemies with different behavior. You have variety of weapons at your disposal. Classic cannon and special cluster bombs and so on. Explore yourself. At high levels it is better. Controls and visuals are quite good. Do not expect miracle, but solid game-play.

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