


Squish huge bunch of bugs and gain many points in a time limit. It's catchy and fun game. The bugs appear in the game are all the time and you have to destroy them to get points and move to another bodies. Some guys can take away the hard made points. Yes, it's about taping and touch your display is huge tempo. The points are counted together and when you have enough a new level is unlocked. There, you have new bugs making new content. The range of points is huge so with big enough motivation in new levels and bugs you have long fun.
Squish huge bunch of bugs and gain many points in a time limit. It's catchy and fun game. The bugs appear in the game are all the time and you have to destroy them to get points and move to another bodies. Some guys can take away the hard made points. Yes, it's about taping and touch your display is huge tempo. The points are counted together and when you have enough a new level is unlocked. There, you have new bugs making new content. The range of points is huge so with big enough motivation in new levels and bugs you have long fun.

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Squashed! Squashed! Squashed! Squashed!

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