


Personalize yourself in a perfect android style. This application allows you to embody the identity of the android you, your friends, just anyone. You know the specific icon of the operating system of that green guy. This with your intervention and skill can change almost anything. You can play with the body. Each section can be extended, shortened, slim, only the antennae on his head, was still the same. Followed by clothes and accessories. There is relatively wide range, with which you play and laugh, because aren't missing pieces of bizarre. Your android avatar offers many ways to save and share (the Face-book, wallpaper, ring-tones, blue-tooth ...). Overall, I feel the need to revoke stealthy ideas to the next run of the common dress game, in the first place refer to the first paragraph. Additionally, Google has created this application with wit, friendly controls and cuteness. When you are (still) not a fanatic Android, at least it well kills boredom. I personally recommend as excellent fun and don't wonder that in the Market attacks five star rating.
Personalize yourself in a perfect android style. This application allows you to embody the identity of the android you, your friends, just anyone. You know the specific icon of the operating system of that green guy. This with your intervention and skill can change almost anything. You can play with the body. Each section can be extended, shortened, slim, only the antennae on his head, was still the same. Followed by clothes and accessories. There is relatively wide range, with which you play and laugh, because aren't missing pieces of bizarre. Your android avatar offers many ways to save and share (the Face-book, wallpaper, ring-tones, blue-tooth ...). Overall, I feel the need to revoke stealthy ideas to the next run of the common dress game, in the first place refer to the first paragraph. Additionally, Google has created this application with wit, friendly controls and cuteness. When you are (still) not a fanatic Android, at least it well kills boredom. I personally recommend as excellent fun and don't wonder that in the Market attacks five star rating.

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