
Hamster: Attack! Free!

Hamster: Attack! Free!

Hamster out of a cage can make some damage, if you aim well and hit the right objects. The hamster Rambo must save and set free another hamster. But the free red button is mostly behind some things, object or barrier so you must clear your path. With higher levels the difficult increases as well. To shoot just drag your finger, aim, set the power and direction. If a marble returns back you can shoot again but if it was your last one you will repeat the level once again.
Hamster out of a cage can make some damage, if you aim well and hit the right objects. The hamster Rambo must save and set free another hamster. But the free red button is mostly behind some things, object or barrier so you must clear your path. With higher levels the difficult increases as well. To shoot just drag your finger, aim, set the power and direction. If a marble returns back you can shoot again but if it was your last one you will repeat the level once again.

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