
XTask - Multitasking Game

XTask - Multitasking Game

If you like the flash games Multitask and Multitask then you will like this version for Android. You have one display where four tasks take place. You start easy with one where you fly through holes, the second is about catching boxes on a platform, then taping stars and the last...... I keep in secret. All happens together is it's really scramble.
If you like the flash games Multitask and Multitask then you will like this version for Android. You have one display where four tasks take place. You start easy with one where you fly through holes, the second is about catching boxes on a platform, then taping stars and the last...... I keep in secret. All happens together is it's really scramble.

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XTask - Multitasking Game XTask - Multitasking Game

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