
CubicMan Lite

CubicMan Lite

Nice logic game, that is CubicMan in three words. Hard rebuses await you. It is always about to get a block from place A to place B. The object is moved by your finger, the catch is that the object is cuboid so one side is longer than the other so you have to be very careful. For example if you move one half over free space the gravity will make its job. Some places are lover and somewhere bridges and switchers await you. If you want to exercise your brain in nice 3D world go on and try.
Nice logic game, that is CubicMan in three words. Hard rebuses await you. It is always about to get a block from place A to place B. The object is moved by your finger, the catch is that the object is cuboid so one side is longer than the other so you have to be very careful. For example if you move one half over free space the gravity will make its job. Some places are lover and somewhere bridges and switchers await you. If you want to exercise your brain in nice 3D world go on and try.

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