
Doodle Alchemy

Doodle Alchemy

In the beginning you have five elements and in the end you should have 140 or you loose your mind. Combine the elements and try create new and new. At first, all goes smooth and you have some view over all of the things. Some creations are about luck but that's still OK. The elements are separated into groups and you use your finger to move among them. It's not for the first time we have this type of game.
In the beginning you have five elements and in the end you should have 140 or you loose your mind. Combine the elements and try create new and new. At first, all goes smooth and you have some view over all of the things. Some creations are about luck but that's still OK. The elements are separated into groups and you use your finger to move among them. It's not for the first time we have this type of game.

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