
All Mighty Lite

All Mighty Lite

The real-time strategies lovers! If you belong into this group, searching for the right game for your android mobile-phone you one step closer. The reviewed game today is more and more looking like a solid tactic game. For the use you have several buildings needed to be build. The right combination is essential. If you have experience, for example with Warcraft III, you should understand that the farm has similar purpose. For leading big groups of soldiers and workers you need to feed them at firs. Then you need hospitals, mines, defensive towers etc. Your workers search for wood and stone and bring it to the town hall, something is changed to money something stays as the raw material. You main goal is to destroy the enemy base. So far there is only one type of fighting unit but the author promises to add more soon. All Mighty has great gameplay, so try it.
The real-time strategies lovers! If you belong into this group, searching for the right game for your android mobile-phone you one step closer. The reviewed game today is more and more looking like a solid tactic game. For the use you have several buildings needed to be build. The right combination is essential. If you have experience, for example with Warcraft III, you should understand that the farm has similar purpose. For leading big groups of soldiers and workers you need to feed them at firs. Then you need hospitals, mines, defensive towers etc. Your workers search for wood and stone and bring it to the town hall, something is changed to money something stays as the raw material. You main goal is to destroy the enemy base. So far there is only one type of fighting unit but the author promises to add more soon. All Mighty has great gameplay, so try it.


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