
Jigsaw Islam

Jigsaw Islam

Quite controversial theme... and really average game. Is this combination good? As you can see at today's case, yes - Jigsaw Islam, as you can see, is about islam. But what is it about? Puzzle... you have to build up a broken picture. Jigsaw Islam is simple title: picture has only eight pieces and it's building is for about a few minutes. But nice for a while relaxation.
Quite controversial theme... and really average game. Is this combination good? As you can see at today's case, yes - Jigsaw Islam, as you can see, is about islam. But what is it about? Puzzle... you have to build up a broken picture. Jigsaw Islam is simple title: picture has only eight pieces and it's building is for about a few minutes. But nice for a while relaxation.

All mobile phones with Java.

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