


I recommend you to not give at first view, because Wordix, even if isn't has the excellent graphics, has at least great idea. From the center there are appearing a single letters which you must navigate to the one of square's side and make words from them which will dissappear. It's nice until here, Wordix doesn't offer anything else. I like game experiments and Wordix gives me a few nice whiles, but however it's nothing great and because of uncomplete work it won't get higher rating.
I recommend you to not give at first view, because Wordix, even if isn't has the excellent graphics, has at least great idea. From the center there are appearing a single letters which you must navigate to the one of square's side and make words from them which will dissappear. It's nice until here, Wordix doesn't offer anything else. I like game experiments and Wordix gives me a few nice whiles, but however it's nothing great and because of uncomplete work it won't get higher rating.

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