
PDAMill Viewer

PDAMill Viewer

We’ve got another great alternative today. It’s oriented on pictures and video. This application is in every PPC and it does fill his purpose. So, what make PDAMill Viewer better? JPG format has better quality, you can explore even PNG, GIF and BMP formates. You can zoom, rotate with pictures, gamma correction and realy presentation on the whole screen. However, PDAMill Viewer isn’t as advanced as it seems, but it has one great advantage – it’s totally free ;-)
We’ve got another great alternative today. It’s oriented on pictures and video. This application is in every PPC and it does fill his purpose. So, what make PDAMill Viewer better? JPG format has better quality, you can explore even PNG, GIF and BMP formates. You can zoom, rotate with pictures, gamma correction and realy presentation on the whole screen. However, PDAMill Viewer isn’t as advanced as it seems, but it has one great advantage – it’s totally free ;-)

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