


Scatto is a PocktPC game very similar to curling, but it contains a few more elements which force you to think.Yyour task is get oponent's stone from game field by clicking on yours. Every time you've got full row of stones and starts that one who have won last turn. When somebody is out of game field, he win. It's quite entertaining. Much more in multiplayer with your friend. Enjoy!
Scatto is a PocktPC game very similar to curling, but it contains a few more elements which force you to think.Yyour task is get oponent's stone from game field by clicking on yours. Every time you've got full row of stones and starts that one who have won last turn. When somebody is out of game field, he win. It's quite entertaining. Much more in multiplayer with your friend. Enjoy!

WindowsCE 5.0/6.0, Windows Mobile 2003

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