
SokoSave Mobile

SokoSave Mobile

Today you can download from us really qualit and playable Sokoban. There are very few of them on freeware scene and only SokoSave Mobile is really profesional. Graphicaly is made very nice and if you don't like something, just change it in the options. Enjoy!
Today you can download from us really qualit and playable Sokoban. There are very few of them on freeware scene and only SokoSave Mobile is really profesional. Graphicaly is made very nice and if you don't like something, just change it in the options. Enjoy!

.NET Compact Framework 3.5, Windows Mobile 2003 / Windows Mobile 5.x / Windows Mobile 6.x

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SokoSave Mobile SokoSave Mobile SokoSave Mobile

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