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Boat Invasion

Boat Invasion

Pace, action, great variety of enemies, a sufficient number of levels ... What more can you ask for good games. Provided you do add to the popularity of this type of game where you defend something, you have a perfect straight game. Boat Invasion is both graphically and for a gameplay very good and certainly above average. Beginning do not say anything much, but once the game gets going, you don't know what to do first. It takes a little thinking and don't just buy the strongest weapon, but perhaps also those which are rapidly being charged, but are less destructive. There are four levels, but I can guarantee you that before all is finished playing, it takes a lot of time. The actual level is made up from some 50 waves, while one wave means a raid by an enemy who is gradually improving and improving. Really hilarious game and I highly recommend this to all.

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