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Best players Power Pinball

Zvolte herní měsíc:
Zvolte tabulku hodnocení:
Order Player score Reached on
1.janice1173820006.04.14 pm30 16:04
2.Flamingo21790003.04.14 pm30 17:24
3.multiflypoints18360003.04.14 pm30 17:09
last update 26.4.2024 20:47:35

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
janice11 738200 / Score High Scores 06.04.14 pm30 16:04
Flamingo 217900 / Score High Scores 03.04.14 pm30 17:24
multiflypoints 183600 / Score High Scores 03.04.14 pm30 17:09
GOTorroGO 980600 / Score High Scores 05.03.14 am31 04:25
GOTorroGO 167100 / Score High Scores 05.03.14 am31 04:17
GOTorroGO 167100 / Score High Scores 05.03.14 am31 04:17
Blanka-Kuchařová 64900 / Score High Scores 23.02.14 pm28 12:17
Blanka-Kuchařová 64900 / Score High Scores 23.02.14 pm28 12:16
DoDoTom68 242900 / Score High Scores 05.02.14 pm28 17:07
DoDoTom68 130600 / Score High Scores 05.02.14 pm28 17:02
last update 26.4.2024 20:47:35


Power Pinball

Power Pinball

Power Pinball is really well-done classic style game. It has nice graphic and the control is brilliant. You control a bats in this pintball game. Try them to control a ball, if it falls down the game is over. Longer time in the air measn more points for you, try to hit the best positions for more points. You can nicely rest and think about pleasant thoughts and things.

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