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Order Player score Reached on
1.DoDoTom6874229.03.14 pm31 15:00
last update 27.4.2024 19:40:12

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
DoDoTom68 742 / Score Highscores 29.03.14 pm31 15:00
DoDoTom68 293 / Score Highscores 29.03.14 pm31 14:58
Blanka-Kuchařová 234 / Score Highscores 23.02.14 pm28 15:42
ford16 1298 / Score Highscores 06.01.14 pm31 17:48
ford16 824 / Score Highscores 06.01.14 pm31 17:45
ford16 772 / Score Highscores 06.01.14 pm31 17:41
janice11 306 / Score Highscores 22.12.13 pm31 16:42
janice11 207 / Score Highscores 22.12.13 pm31 16:41
daviddd 548 / Score Highscores 22.12.13 pm31 16:21
daviddd 292 / Score Highscores 22.12.13 pm31 16:20
last update 27.4.2024 19:40:12


Stay Up

Stay Up

This game, build on very simple principle, can entertain a player for very long time. Your task is to control a jumpy ball and move it on platforms up. The whole screens move down so when you get down the game is over. The graphics is very simple but the whole thing is very catchy and you will keep it playing for very long time. I can only recommend you this.

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