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Best players Football League Jumper (EURO)

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Order Player score Reached on
1.DoDoTom6816225.04.14 pm30 18:18
last update 27.4.2024 02:34:30

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
DoDoTom68 162 / Score League JUmpers 25.04.14 pm30 18:18
DoDoTom68 129 / Score League JUmpers 25.04.14 pm30 18:16
GOTorroGO 120 / Score League JUmpers 12.02.14 am28 01:54
GOTorroGO 95 / Score League JUmpers 12.02.14 am28 01:52
GOTorroGO 25 / Score League JUmpers 12.02.14 am28 01:51
mumie258 79 / Score League JUmpers 04.02.14 pm28 19:55
daviddd 127 / Score League JUmpers 15.01.14 am31 10:04
daviddd 96 / Score League JUmpers 15.01.14 am31 10:03
DoDoTom68 110 / Score League JUmpers 05.01.14 pm31 18:38
DoDoTom68 97 / Score League JUmpers 05.01.14 pm31 18:29
last update 27.4.2024 02:34:30


Football League Jumper (EURO)

Football League Jumper (EURO)

Watching football in TV is one thing but it’s good to play some game with the same theme. This time, you are going to fly and climb up the leagues.
The goal is flying up by bouncing from the balls. The normal ones push you only a bit but the special ball give you nice boost. The higher you get the higher league is for you and more points you get. Be careful with the referees, two yellow cards mean game over and the red card throws you down.

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Football League Jumper (EURO) Football League Jumper (EURO) Football League Jumper (EURO)

our database contains: 26 944 games

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