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Best players Home Run Hitter

Zvolte herní měsíc:
Zvolte tabulku hodnocení:
Order Player score Reached on
1.Barca-Vulcova107892010.04.14 pm30 19:59
2.HAL34549010.04.14 pm30 20:50
3.kuba755449010.04.14 pm30 18:09
4.Flamingo026.02.13 pm28 16:02
last update 26.4.2024 16:55:20

Všechna skóre

Player score Description Reached on
Flamingo 0 / Score High Scores 10.04.14 pm30 21:14
HAL 345490 / Score High Scores 10.04.14 pm30 20:50
HAL 0 / Score High Scores 10.04.14 pm30 20:48
HAL 240470 / Score High Scores 10.04.14 pm30 20:47
HAL 10700 / Score High Scores 10.04.14 pm30 20:44
Barca-Vulcova 1078920 / Score High Scores 10.04.14 pm30 19:59
kuba75 0 / Score High Scores 10.04.14 pm30 18:21
kuba75 0 / Score High Scores 10.04.14 pm30 18:18
kuba75 0 / Score High Scores 10.04.14 pm30 18:16
kuba75 0 / Score High Scores 10.04.14 pm30 18:16
last update 26.4.2024 16:55:20


Home Run Hitter

Home Run Hitter

Train hitting the baseball ball and win some points. It’s about good timing and hitting the ball in the right moment.
Simple principle in Home Run Hitters makes great fun. Why? Try beating the score of other players, everyone has the same conditions so try it. The more hits in the row you get the better combo and multiplayer is rewarded. However, when you miss all is lost.

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Home Run Hitter Home Run Hitter Home Run Hitter

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